Just an Island girl, standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear today.


Wow its been ten years since I started my love affair with media.  My name is Lauren as you have already guessed but most people know me as LaurenOLauren.  I'm from Jamaica, a beautiful little island in the West Indies.  I've been a tv host for the past ten years, I started working on my first television gig when I was 17 years old by complete accident, and I have really fallen in love with the creative process.

Over the years I have had the opportunity to work with many different people Including BET and Tempo.  I've been broadcasted on every television station in Jamaica and I've also worked with New York and British based Caribbean shows.  I even produced my own Television Show for the Cable network Flow TV, "The Lauren O Lauren Show" a commentary based show with three segments lasting for 30 minutes hosted and written by me.

Fashion, production, and lifestyle are the three things that make up my life and I am obsessed with them.  Working on my weekly youtube videos and my fashion posts is what keeps me alive.  People often ask me what it is that I do; I am a Blogger, Social Media Strategist, and World Socialite.

I hope you enjoy my Blog and remember you are beautiful.

xoxoxo Lauren O Lauren
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