Just an Island girl, standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear today.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Flower power It's "Festival" season

Head band - Debs Department Store
Dress -  Coochianna's (Kingston, Jamaica. Find them on Instagram)
Bag - Thrifted 

I am obsessed with all things floral and who knew it would happen I used to hate floral, hated it for 

years I wanted nothing to do with it. Now if it has florals on it I have to have it or I will burst, you probably can't tell from this picture but the front of my dress has ruffles I thought the perfect way to accessorize this dress and keep the look very boho, festival chic was to add a white crown of flowers. I love how this look came out look out for this headband because I believe it will become a staple head piece for me this Summer. This orange bag I thrifted goes with everything and i found it at the right time because rectangular orange bags keep popping up on Fashion Blogs and all over.

xoxxo see you in my next post.

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