Just an Island girl, standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear today.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Social Media Scavenger Hunt - Good Luck!!!

Hello my love bunnies I have a special Giveaway today so here goes make sure you are following me on Instagram and Youtube to be qualified.

Ok so here are the rules this is a Scavenger Hunt You will be looking for clues on this site as well as my Instagram and my Youtube.  This is what you are looking for 

*A Post of Lauren Wearing an All Black Outfit
* A post with a Yellow Back Pack

On my Beauty Channel LaurenTalkBeauty - There is a video where I tell you about myself. What is my OTP - One True Pairing and what is my favorite Song and who sings it.

Question - What movie was the song "King of Wishful Thinking" by the group Go West featured?

 Here's what you do once you have found the above You will write down the details of the post:

- When the post was made, date.
- What account the post was made on.

So that I can go back and check if you want to you can also screen grab the posts and include it in your email, however but the dates and the name of the account should be fine.

Email your answers to Show@laurenolauren.com, the first person to get everything correct wins the prize.

The GiveAway Includes:

1 "The Hand That Held Me'  - A novel by Maggie O' Farrell.
2 A Journal You can write down your Plans for World Domination  or whatever you want.
3 A Motivational word Find Book with motivational quotes.
4 A Black faux leather Planner for you to write down all your important information in and plan ahead.

Good Luck everyone

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