Just an Island girl, standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear today.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My Fantasy Tea Party and who Would I invite

I have always been fascinated with the idea of a grown up tea party, I love tea so of course the idea of fresh brewed tea and pastry appeals to me a lot!!! So who would top the list for my invites, well this is a fantasy so Im just gonna go ahead and invite whoever I want lol.

I would Invite Kim and North West because I just love them and I think Kim is a tea party staple, the Kardashians are the cool kids of Hollywood right now so I wanted to go with the one who started it all lol.

Mishell Obama and Lady Gaga of course because they are both very strong women who stand up for so many different issues affecting our world and society. Having them at my fantasy tea party I'm sure we could brainstorm and come up with some different ideas to raise awareness about the raping of girls in the Congo and child prostitution and trafficking happening all over the world and here in the US.

Rihanna and Nicki would be invited of course because whats a party without Caribbean girls? I'll tell you, its not a dam party!!!! They both represent strong women, working hard around the clock, fighting the stereo types and doing whatever they want to do. They are both very successful and they don't fit into the stereo type of regular women. Im a super fan of women killing it!!! These two make up some of the hardest working women in the game, they don't sleep and they put relationships on the back burner and continue to make history. I can't wait for them to try my special Detox team. 

And Last but not least my final guest for my Fantasy Tea Party along with five of my very close and personal friends. I would invite EJ Johnson, because every tea party needs a Queen honey. I don't know why I'm obsessed with him but I just am. Ughhhhh he's Bae tho!!!!!!

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