Just an Island girl, standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear today.

Friday, October 31, 2014

This month's Book Review and Bag of the Month

I am so EXCITED about this month's book review I haven't done one of these in a very, very long time. Ive been reading but haven't read anything that had me like whoa. So I'm super excited to share this one with you.

Book - Americana by Chimamanda Ngozu Adichie

Bag - Vanessa from Bag Inc Check the collection out here

Where do I begin with this book, with this woman, with this absolute BRILLIANCE. The first glimpse I got of Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche was when she was featured in Beyonc'e hit "Flawless", and even then I was ignorant to the Brilliance that Beyonce had just shed light on.  I heard about this book Americanah Im not sure from where, when I went to the bookstore to buy it I knew after hearing breifly what it was about that this book had to become apart of my growing book collection. I can proudly say this is one of the best books I have ever read, she leaves no stone unturned and she speaks about the American experience with the true voice of someone who has experienced ir or has done an amazing job of doing her research, every issue, every topic, things I did not even think of before reading this book.

I am half way through this book and decided to do this book review now or I would accidentally give the entire story away.  As someone who just moved to the US from Jamaica I'm at first shocked at how similar some of Africa's culture are to my own,  I will admit I did not know very much about Africa than what I saw on TV.  This book opened my eyes to how beautiful my own culture was how we can be brainwashed as little children into this idea of "AMERICANAH".

This book is a must read, its honest and the writing is so amazing, you can tell its not just another story somebody came up with while they were away on vacation for two months, but this is a story being told with years of personal experience. I would love to hear what a regular American thinks when they read this, they are guilty of so many of the little things she speaks of in this book. This book is a MUST read, not only is it a different view of the world than we're used to but it a must needed view, lol if that makes any sense.  This is no version of the infamous movie we've all seen as a kids growing up "Coming to America" starring Eddie Murphy, this is the other side of the grass.

I definitely recommend reading this book.

For my Hand Bag which I'm currently loving I will be doing a more inept review on my youtube channel, probably just turn it into a What's in my Bag since a lot of people are always asking for those. To get to my Youtube channel just click on the Videos tab on my home page. 

Have an amazing weekend everyone, and be safe.

xoxo Lauren O Lauren 

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