Just an Island girl, standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear today.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Yes for Casual Days

I think Tuesday is one of the most awkward days of the week, but it's a day none the less and we all have to make the best of it. It's officially a snow day where I am a little later I'm going sledding in my backyard.  Most Fashion bloggers make it seem like we dress up everyday like all we do is attend glamorous events, well probably they do but I don't.

Some days I keep it casual and on this day I just wore my favorite high rise jeans, a simple teacart tucked in and my Lola Boots with very thick socks to protect me from the cold. I was out running errands and it was a rare day when the sun was out shining so I decided to stay outside a little bit and take a walk.

Outfit Details 
T shirt - Forever 21
Jeans - Here
Boots - Available here
Jacket- My Older Sister's closet 
Bag - Aldo (no longer available)

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