Just an Island girl, standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear today.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Spooky Eyes Fashion Contact lenses for everyone

Wearing Sexy Brown Big Eyes Contact lenses from Spooky Eyes
I love changing up my look from my hair to my outfits I love the versatility of expressing myself this way, plus its a lot of fun. When I heard about Spooky Eyes I was intrigued. They had so many different options to choose from for everyone, I wanted something simple a very subliminal change,
that wouldn't scream out at people as soon as they saw me. You might not be able to spot the difference right away which is just what I wanted but if you pay attention there is something very special about these contact lenses from Spooky Eyes they give me that big "Doe Eyed" look.

What I love about these contacts is that they are the same color as my eyes however they make my pupils look bigger, and you know how we girls love having big eyes.  These are the
Brown Big Sexy Eye Contacts and I was concerned that they would be uncomfortable at first because they are a tad bit big than regular contacts, but they weren't at all. I wore them all day and even shot my youtube video wearing them, they were so comfortable, I went on the road and ran errands in the snow and they didn't dry out or itch I was extremely impressed with them. I think I will definitely be ordering some more looks from Spooky Eyes, they have all kinds of looks they have contacts with writings, contacts with stars, contacts with unicorns and red contacts, I could go on and on. Whatever you're looking for in contacts Spooky Eyes has got it.

The exact pair I'm wearing 

One final point I must touch on before I go is that the company is located in the UK and I thought it would take forever for me to get my order, but the shipping was quick it didn't take any longer than anything else I've ordered online.  The prices are also really reasonable I've bought contacts before in the past so I know a bit about the prices, you can try the pair I'm wearing Pair I'm wearing.

Have a great day everyone, xoxo Lauren

A close up of my contacts 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful as ever, love the natural makeup look

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