Just an Island girl, standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear today.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

A Big Thank YOU & Merry Christmas to Everyone!!!!

Hello everyone, I suppose it's Christmas and we're either with family, friends, or alone at home with ourselves which is not a bad thing. Being alone on Christmas is fine, I was alone for 10 years in a row and I loved every minute of it.

Anyways today is that day when we let people know how much we appreciate them, so I thought you guys are the first ones I should tell. I just want to take this opportunity to tell everyone how grateful I am for all the support my blog had been getting, even though I've been blogging for years running a fashion blog is fairly new to me and this is a project I started earlier this year.  I never thought I would love running a Fashion blog this much and even though every other person has a fashion blog, it's something I genuinely enjoy doing, fashion has always been one of my first loves, I can't believe it took me this long.

This is our first official Christmas together hahaha, I should get a Christmas ornament that says "www.LaurenOLauren.com " something to commemorate. Anyways Im looking forward to going into the new year with you guys and working on tons more cool projects and sharing it with you. Don't forget that anybody can be featured on my blog all you have to do is email your pictures to me - Info@Laurenolauren.com. Be sure to include, your age, name, location and social media links if you have any you want to share.

Have an amazing day you guys, ill you on Instagram lol.

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