Just an Island girl, standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear today.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

What I got for Christmas!!!!!

 Words cannot express how grateful I am for everyone in my life, and even though this post is beyond late I thought it would be good to share it with you guys. Christmas 2014 has come and gone but the memories are still very fresh in our hearts and minds, its only been 5 days lol.
We're all preparing for the new year writing New Year resolutions and making plans, this is my favorite time of year. It's like turning a new page in a book, a book lover is always excited to turn the page in a book they're reading, wether its to continue the good story, end a horrible story or just to answer unanswered questions.

Because my Birthday also happens to be in December a lot of my gifts were bundled not that I mind personally. I received a personal tea maker for my birthday and for Christmas I got a holiday tea set of amazing loose teas from Teavanna. I am obsessed with all four flavors my favorite is the Spiced Apple Cider, my entire house spells like something from Alice In wonderland.  I got a subscription to Birch Box something I've always wanted to try, a photography online course (YASSSSSSSS) along with a few other personalized gifts. Baba took me to see The Nutcracker and I got to get all dressed up lol. Yesterday I went to Barns and Noble and went Ham lol, I got a Yoga starting kit which i definitely plan to use!!! I got some healthy recipe books and a candle. Then Babe surprised me with a special gift from Victoria's Secret.

Overall the year started well for me and it ended well, there were some hiccups along the way, but nothing that made 2014 a bad year. Check out My Vlog videos and Nw Years Resolution videos on Youtube, get in the spirit!!!

Videos to watch on Youtube 

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