Just an Island girl, standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear today.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentines Day Recap

Chocolates  I found on my vanity :)

GoodMorning dolls I hope you had an amazing weekend, this weekend was the dreadful Valentines Day weekend.  Valentines Day seems like that holiday that everyone loves to hate on but it's one of my favorites and it doesn't deserve half the bad flak it gets lol.

Valentines Day happens to be my older brother's birthday so there's that to celebrate, and we try to celebrate all the holidays it's like our little tradition.  We get dressed up and we go to dinner or something.  I woke up early on Valentines Day cleaned the house and did a 45 minute work out in my living room with my Youtube trainer (get it Youtube Trainer), then I made my home made blueberry and oats pancakes and just lounged around the house for a bit.

I found my Valentines Day gift waiting for me at my desk, I have an obsession with teddy bears. I think by now all my friends realize that.

We kept it simple we had dinner at a restaurant we've never eaten at before and then we went to watch 50 Shades of Grey.  I never read any of the books because Im not really interested in those kind of books, but every one just kept going on about it so I decided, I'll go see it.  I regret wasting my time and my money, it was a predictable stupid love story, anyone who was a fan of Mills and Boon back in the day would have already read such a story.  But I'm usually never a part of the majority so don't let me stop you from watching or reading it.

I kept my outfit simple and something Saint Valentine would approve of for sure.  I wore a pink skirt with a white knitted top and kept my accessories minimal.

New member of my Teddy Bear Collection 

A Marshmallow Martini and fruit infused mint martini, soon good.

Hi everyone, it's me!!!

Deep fried Avocado, I didn't know it could be done it was amazing!!

Tuna Burger, I didn't love it but it did look good.

Pink and White for Valentines Day.

Im obsessed with this very feminine watch that matched my outfit from  Devine Silver Treasures.
Outfit Details 
Knitted Top - Debs (no longer available)
Pleated Pink Skirt - available here
Watch - Available Here
Purse - Belonged to my Mom 
Flats - So old lol

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cute ! u r blessed to have found love

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